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Home / Doctors / Dr. Md. Imam Hossain
Home / Doctors / Dr. Md. Imam Hossain
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About Dr. Md. Imam Hossain

Meet Dr. Md. Imam Hossain, your go-to Medicine & Chest Specialist in Chittagong. With an impressive MBBS, FCPS, and MACP (USA), he’s the wizard of wheezes and master of medicine at Faujderhat Chest Disease Hospital and Labaid Hospital.

Dr. Md. Imam Hossain Biography & Profile Overview

Dr. Md. Imam Hossain isn’t just another doc in a white coat. He’s the Sherlock Holmes of the medical world, solving mysteries one chest x-ray at a time. With a stethoscope in one hand and a wealth of knowledge in the other, he’s ready to get to the heart (and lungs) of your health issues.

Why Choose Dr. Md. Imam Hossain?

  • He’s got more letters after his name than your alphabet soup
  • His bedside manner is smoother than a well-oiled stethoscope
  • He can diagnose a sneeze from a mile away (okay, maybe not, but he’s pretty darn good)

Education Background: The Making of a Medical Marvel

Dr. Md. Imam Hossain didn’t just wake up one day and decide to be a doctor. He put in the hard yards:

  • MBBS: Because saving lives starts with the basics
  • FCPS (Medicine): Fellowship of the College of Physicians and Surgeons
  • MACP (USA): Member of the American College of Physicians (because why stop at one country?)

Degrees and Awards: The Trophy Case

While we don’t have specific awards to list, let’s be real – with those qualifications, every day is a win for Dr. Hossain’s patients.

Job Designation & Experiences: The Respiratory Résumé

  • Current Gig: Consultant, Department of Medicine at Faujderhat Chest Disease Hospital, Chittagong
  • Side Hustle: Seeing patients at Labaid Hospital, Chittagong
  • Years of Experience: Enough to make your lungs feel young again

Dr. Md. Imam Hossain’s Specialties and Areas of Expertise

This doc’s not a one-trick pony. He’s all about:

  • General Medicine: From head to toe, he’s got you covered
  • Chest Specialties: Breathing easy is his business
  • Respiratory Care: He’ll help you catch your breath, literally

Dr. Md. Imam Hossain’s Chambers: Where the Magic Happens

Catch Dr. Hossain at his home away from home:

Labaid Hospital, Chittagong

  • Address: 3046, O.R. Nizam Road, Golpahar, Panchlaish, Chattogram
  • Visiting Hours: 6pm to 9pm (Closed: Thu & Friday)
  • Appointment: +8801766662828 (Call Now, not during dinner)


Who is Dr. Md. Imam Hossain?

He’s the Medicine & Chest Specialist who’ll make your lungs feel like they’re on a tropical vacation.

Dr. Md. Imam Hossain’s education qualifications and Experiences?

MBBS, FCPS (Medicine), MACP (USA). Currently, he’s showing off his skills at Faujderhat Chest Disease Hospital and Labaid Hospital in Chittagong.

Dr. Md. Imam Hossain’s chambers?

Labaid Hospital, Chittagong. It’s where the healing happens.

Dr. Md. Imam Hossain’s contact number?

+8801766662828. Save it, your lungs might thank you later.

Dr. Md. Imam Hossain’s appointment?

Call +8801766662828. Remember, he’s at Labaid Hospital from 6pm to 9pm, except Thursdays and Fridays when he’s probably binge-watching medical dramas.

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