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Home / Doctors / Dr. AHM Ahsanul Hoque
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About Dr. AHM Ahsanul Hoque

Meet Dr. AHM Ahsanul Hoque, your go-to Internal Medicine guru in Chittagong. With his MBBS and DTM&H, he’s not just treating patients, he’s solving medical mysteries. Catch this health detective at Labaid Specialized Hospital before your symptoms go incognito!

Dr. AHM Ahsanul Hoque Biography & Profile Overview

When it comes to internal medicine, Dr. AHM Ahsanul Hoque is the Sherlock Holmes of health. With a stethoscope as his magnifying glass, he’s ready to investigate any medical mystery your body throws his way.

Why Choose Dr. AHM Ahsanul Hoque?

  • He’s got more medical knowledge than a library of textbooks
  • His diagnostic skills are sharper than a surgeon’s scalpel
  • He treats patients, not just symptoms (but don’t worry, he’ll treat those too)

Education Background: The Building Blocks of Brilliance

Dr. AHM Ahsanul Hoque didn’t just wake up one day as a medical mastermind. He built his knowledge brick by brick:

  • MBBS: Because every doctor needs to start somewhere
  • DTM&H: Diploma in Tropical Medicine and Hygiene (because germs don’t take vacations)

Degrees and Awards: The Trophies of Triumph

While we don’t have specific awards to list, remember – every healthy patient is a gold medal in Dr. Hoque’s book.

Job Designation & Experiences: The Career Checkup

  • Current Position: Consultant, Department of Medicine at Labaid Specialized Hospital, Chittagong
  • Years of Experience: Enough to make your symptoms shake in their boots

Dr. AHM Ahsanul Hoque’s Specialties and Areas of Expertise

This doc’s got skills that could fill a medical encyclopedia:

  • Internal Medicine: He knows your insides better than you do
  • Tropical Medicine: Fighting exotic diseases like a health superhero
  • General Health: From head to toe, he’s got you covered

Dr. AHM Ahsanul Hoque’s Chambers: Where Wellness Waits

Find Dr. Hoque at his health headquarters:

Labaid Hospital, Chittagong

  • Address: 3046, O.R. Nizam Road, Golpahar, Panchlaish, Chattogram
  • Visiting Hours: 7pm to 9pm (Closed: Friday)
  • Appointment: +8801766662828 (Call now, your health can’t wait!)


Who is Dr. AHM Ahsanul Hoque?

He’s the Internal Medicine Specialist who makes your health his business and your wellness his mission.

Dr. AHM Ahsanul Hoque’s education qualifications and Experiences?

MBBS and DTM&H. Currently, he’s putting his skills to work as a Consultant at Labaid Specialized Hospital in Chittagong.

Dr. AHM Ahsanul Hoque’s chambers?

Labaid Hospital, Chittagong. It’s where health happens!

Dr. AHM Ahsanul Hoque’s contact number?

+8801766662828. Save it, your body will thank you later.

Dr. AHM Ahsanul Hoque’s appointment?

Call +8801766662828. He’s available from 7pm to 9pm at Labaid Hospital, except Fridays when he’s probably giving germs a stern talking-to.

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